Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Adios Panama..

Last days in Panama are here. I feel sad for leaving such a beautiful place. I learned so much here, staring with my first IM injection to vaccinating many patients. Giving my first IM injection was the scariest thing for me since I had to give it dorsogluteal injection, but everything went pretty well with great guidance from nurse Rosio. From Panama I am taking a lot especially Panama patience, which is the best lecture that I have learned in Panama just to have patience and everything else will work out itself. This experience in Panama was experience of no toilet paper and cold showers, but overall I loved this trip and I am also excited to go home and take a worm shower.

Gracias Panama por todo. Gracias Dr.Cadena por todo.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, that's quite an image, muchacha. It somehow fits given all the wildlife in our seminar room.
