Sunday, June 12, 2011

¡Adiós Amigos!

Leaving Panama and returning to Tampa has been very bittersweet. While I know we made a positive impact on the people in the Comarcas, it's hard to say goodbye when there is still such a huge need for outside help. The past three weeks have been both very rewarding and eye-opening. I learned about the Panamanian culture and adjusting to "Panama Time" which is very different from the inflexible agendas most Americans follow. This journey also taught me that the amenities I would once label as "essentials" are considered luxury items in other parts of the world. I vow to never again take clean drinking water, hot showers, or toilet paper for granted.

I left for Panama expecting to learn about a new culture, gain more clinical practice, and most importantly avoid taking community during the fall semester. As I return to Tampa I realize I'm bringing back so much more, including once in a lifetime experiences and a handful of unexpected new friendships. I won't soon forget all of our patients in the clinics or Victor, my innocent, sweet, little friend from the orphanage. I had never seen such beautiful scenery until we climbed Volcán Barú and went zip lining in Boquete, both adventures I would go on again in a heartbeat. Everyday was full of learning, not just about the culture but also about tolerance and friendship. I learned a lot about myself too and the way others perceive me. I think everyone who went will agree it was a memorable trip and provided us with experiences that will help shape us into better nurses.

I would like to both thank and congratulate Dr. Cadena and Eloisa for making this trip a success.

"Our fingertips don't fade from the lives we touch..."

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