Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Trip is Done!
The past 3 weeks are kind of a blur. We did so much in such a short amount of time. I got to see different parts of the country from driving from place to place and experience health care in the jungle and in the city. I also had the pleasure of learning about what nursing school is like in Panama. (Their students have 4 years of actual nursing school, where we only have 2.) I went on a 16 mile hike, four-wheeling, and zip lining. It really was a jam-packed trip. I even got to have the lovely experience of being a patient in a Panamanian hospital when I stepped on a needle that was supposedly used to anesthetize a goat before castrating it. So many things to tell, but that would go on for pages. Panama is a very diverse country and I would love to go back and experience more of it!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
¡Adiós Amigos!
I left for Panama expecting to learn about a new culture, gain more clinical practice, and most importantly avoid taking community during the fall semester. As I return to Tampa I realize I'm bringing back so much more, including once in a lifetime experiences and a handful of unexpected new friendships. I won't soon forget all of our patients in the clinics or Victor, my innocent, sweet, little friend from the orphanage. I had never seen such beautiful scenery until we climbed Volcán Barú and went zip lining in Boquete, both adventures I would go on again in a heartbeat. Everyday was full of learning, not just about the culture but also about tolerance and friendship. I learned a lot about myself too and the way others perceive me. I think everyone who went will agree it was a memorable trip and provided us with experiences that will help shape us into better nurses.
I would like to both thank and congratulate Dr. Cadena and Eloisa for making this trip a success.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
i'll never forget you, panama
written on June 10, 2011
Today is our last day in Panama. It is bittersweet; although I miss home, I can't imagine what life is like back in the states. I've made so many great friends here and I know that I will miss them tremendously.
Monday was our last day in the communities in Chiriqui. The clinic in Soloy was amazing, and I learned and witnessed a lot of different things. I gave many injections, immunizations, IVs, and much more. When we were leaving, we said goodbye to everyone and the amazing staff of nurses and doctors who helped us throughout our stay in the Comarca. When we were eating lunch on the bus in front of the clinic, a little 8 year old girl holding her sister came to the window. She looked hungry and desperate, so I gave her the rest of my lunch. She ate it in a blink ofan eye, and the rest of my classmates gave what they could to her. She was very grateful.
Tuesday was our last day in the Comarca in Chiriqui. We ventured out early (of course!) and made it to David to the Jose Domingo children andwomen's hospital. The week prior when we visited the hospital, I had witnessed my first live birth. It was amazing and very humbling. The Panamanian women generally do not use anesthesia during birth, which is very different from the States. On Tuesday, I was in a small group and we were on the post-partum floor. We saw many different things. We also got to hold tiny babies for a few hours. I think some of us fell in love...
My stay here in Panama was amazing. It seems that 3 weeks just wasn't enough time. Although we worked hard in the communities and brought an American touch of health care to Panama, we had a lot of time to connect with each other and bond as classmates. I will never forget the 24 other people who came to Panama with me. Some of them taught me more things about myself than I knew. I learned to push myself in ways I didn't know I could. Thank you to everyone who made my Panama trip so memorable. And thank you to Dr. Cadena and Eloisa for everything.
Its Been Fun!
Today we leave to go home from Panama. I am going to miss it here. I have had such a great experience here! I have had the opportunity to learn so much in such a short period of time. My favorite part of the entire trip was definitely when we went to the orphanage in Boquete. At the orphanage we met with one of the volunteers who moved down to Panama from the U.S. and has been living in Boquete and volunteering at the orphanage for the past year. There were about 60 kids at the orphanage and a lot of them were there for reasons of domestic violence and abuse, so they are considered “unadoptable” because the government is hoping that they will be able to repair the situation at home and return the children to their families. This was the hardest part about seeing all of these children; I wish I could see them and have the hope the one day they will all be adopted by a family who will take care of them. The kids at the orphanage were all so sweet and so excited about the little toys and candies that we brought them. We would open up a package of crayons, and literally hand out single crayons to the children and they would be so excited to get this single crayon. The gratitude of the children that I have seen here in Panama has been so inspiring. I am so glad that I got the opportunity to come here for this 3 week session. I have learned so much from the people that I have come into contact with here and love the cultural experience that I have had.
Hasta Luego Comarca!
This past week was our last week in the Comarca. While at the Clinic in Soloy I have had the opportunity to learn lots of clinical skills (I did 30 vaccinations!) and see a new culture face to face. The experiences that I have had here are so different from those that I have had in the states. People literally walk for days to get to this clinic (one morning we picked a woman up in the bus on the way to the clinic who was being carried in a hammock by two men to get to the clinic. Just by us driving her for the last 20 minutes of our drive to the clinic, we probably shortened their journey by hours.) While it was heartbreaking to see these people suffering from preventable diseases and infections, such as gastroenteritis caused by unclean water and improper food handling, respiratory problems caused by having wood burning stoves in their living spaces, and skin infections and diseases caused by poor personal hygiene, there was also hope in seeing how the medical professionals at the clinics responded to help the people in the Comarca. It must seem like a daunting task for the doctors and nurses who treat the Ngobe-Bugle people, treating only the outcomes, and not being able to properly address the causes because of the vast shortages of water and hygiene supplies. Even with these daunting tasks ahead of them, the doctors and nurses treat the people of the Comarca daily with empathy and compassion, and I feel as if I have definitely learned from them, how to treat and care for patients. Also in response to the needs of the Ngobe people, there were three health promoters who go out into the community (sometimes literally door to door, and sometimes holding little seminars at community meeting places) and teach about clean water collection, moving stoves to outside to prevent respiratory problems, nutrition, and importance of vaccinations and prenatal care. While the experience in the Comarca opened my eyes to the struggles and needs of another culture, It also demonstrated to me how the people of this country are working together to better the lives of the less fortunate and help the Ngobe people to learn how to improve their standard of living, and move forward with a generation of healthier Ngobe people.
Friday, June 10, 2011
CRISTINA RONDOLINO- Bitter sweet goodbye
I wont be leaving Panama with just a bag full of coffee and souvenirs. I am leaving having made some really great friends and with an experience that will stay with me forever. This experience was truly invaluable to me because it opened my eyes to the struggles that people around the world go through. The Alto Caballero community had no running water or a safe source of drinking water. It infiltrated every aspect of their lives. I will think of them the next time that I am faced with a dilemma and realize that I am lucky to have the resources I have.
We saw the people wait patiently outside the clinics for hours and sometimes would not get the help they came for and still never once complained, or made a scene. I will think of the Ngobe Bugle people the next time I am impatient (which is often) and realize ,again, that I am lucky.
And next time a storm is rolling in, I will not be sad that it ruined my beach day, but I will be happy that is is bringing lives most precious resource to me and I will think of the Ngobe Bugle people rejoicing when the rain came.
I am also leaving, a lot more confident in my clinical skills. I was able to start an IV for the first time on this trip and I probably did 60 IM injections. I got a head start on pediatrics and OB. I measured the fundus, found the fetal heart beat and, oh yeah, I saw birth! I brushed up on my Spanish speaking skills as well.
All in all it was a wonderful trip. A little rocky at times with what seemed like one catastrophe after another, but it all just adds to the memory. AMERICA HERE WE COME!
oh baby, baby!
So, I witnessed the miracle of birth at the hospital. It all happened much faster than I expected. We were ushered into a fairly large room just as the mother was getting ready to push. The thing that I found to be the most bizarre was the fact that the doors stayed wide open throughout the entire birth. Patient privacy definitely does NOT exist in Panama! The mother needed an episiotomy which was performed by a doctor and a med student. As soon as the incision had been made it was smooth sailing from there and a beautiful baby girl was born within a few minutes. The attention was turned to the newborn as they suctioned the nose and mouth, performed the apgar, and all the other necessary immediate tasks. The mother was unbelievably calm and the look on her face as she smiled at her new baby almost made me tear up. This trip has offered me so many new experiences and I wouldn't trade the last 3 weeks for anything.. well except for maybe a lettuce wrap. (JK!) :)
Dr. Best Friend - leading Friendologist of Amrrica
In Boquete we had a needed break from clinical activities. First we went to some orphanages and a home for boys. At the orphanage most of the kids were under 12 years old. They loved gettin held in the air so they can touch the ceiling or spun around. This is the same kind of playing I used to do with my little brothers. I dont think they get that kind of playing around often since theyre all so young and the people that work there already do so much for them. It was nice to go there and maybe make that day the best day of their week.
Many of us chose to climb the Volcano (what volcano?). This sounded like a great idea with the promise of a panoramic view of the pacific and atlantic oceans at the top. About 45mins into it....I realized this was Not a great idea. It wasnt bad going up, except for the breaks and communication. Going down the mountain I felt like I was gonna throw up and it was raining the entire way, jumping over streams and slipping on rocks. Oh, and at the top all we saw was clouds, yaaaay. My BF got headaches from concentrating on which rocks to step on next. It was fun looking back at it now though, as are all things that suck while youre actually doing them. I can say I climbed a Volcano and the highest mountain in Panama, and so can many of my fellow nursing students.
We are now at COK and the trip is ending. It wasnt exactly what I expected, but it was fun and educational for sure, and that was the goal. Weve been in class with people for about an entire year, but dont realy talk to them. In 3 weeks Ive gotten to know more people outside of my clinical group than I did in an entire year. I still know very little spanish, but I feel like my vocabulary has expanded 10times. Ive learned about a country I knew very little about. Ive learned about a people I never even knew existed (Ngobe). Ive given an IV to a baby for the first time, and seen a baby born. Now its time to go home, and back to normal life and hot showers!
Me llamo Will
Our last clinical days came and went. I have to say it was an interesting experience for the most part. The Doctors at Soloy were very helpful and wanted to exchange knowledge and practices. The last day there was a patient with a venomous snake bite, we were lucky enough to have a Dr that spoke english and he explained to us their treatment protocols and how and where they transport him etc. I gave him some splinting supplies, a tourniquet and a pressure bandage. They may have to use the supplies shortly, whereas for me they were for practice or for "just in case".
Im glad we went to the hospital in David, because from a medical experience standpoint much more was gained there. I saw a birth, thorocenticis, gave an IV to a baby, and more. I hope the birth excludes me from seeing one in semester 4! As great of an experience it was, I would prefer not to see that again. It was interesting that they only received some pain meds and family was not allowed in, and they werent even in the hospital as far as I understood.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Adios Panamá
I have had such an amazing three weeks and I am so thankful for this unique experience :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Adios Panama..
Last days in Panama are here. I feel sad for leaving such a beautiful place. I learned so much here, staring with my first IM injection to vaccinating many patients. Giving my first IM injection was the scariest thing for me since I had to give it dorsogluteal injection, but everything went pretty well with great guidance from nurse Rosio. From Panama I am taking a lot especially Panama patience, which is the best lecture that I have learned in Panama just to have patience and everything else will work out itself. This experience in Panama was experience of no toilet paper and cold showers, but overall I loved this trip and I am also excited to go home and take a worm shower.
Gracias Panama por todo. Gracias Dr.Cadena por todo.Hato Juli Classroom Visit
Farewell Panama
Ya terminamos
Post 3
Post 2
Weekend in Boquete

Monday, June 6, 2011
Cleanup Slash Orphanage Visit - Kristen´s post
Being in charge of those kids and trying to teach them essential hygeinic tasks started out as a mild test of trial and error. At first they weren´t very cooperative, but when we finally looked like we were having fun, then they started to have fun. The sad part was that while we had the opportunity to pass out toothbrushes and let these children wash their hands, we knew that most of them didn´t have access to those resources for the long term. Many of the kids had hands so dirty that the water we used was cloudy after just a few hand washes, and several had damage to their teeth.
The next day we attempted a different, more hands on kind of teaching. We took three hundred elementary schoolers out on a march to save the planet, passing out garbage bags and gloves and taking the kids on a hike to clean up the community. We and this herd of children carried banners and picked up garbage, separating the recyclable materials from the ´basura´or regular trash and continuing on our way. It was really neat to see all of these kids working together, and after the face the road sides really looked much much better.
A few days later we got to see children in a different kind of environment. The orphanage we visited near boquette was a small establishment tucked away in the mountains, housing over thirty children ranging from ages zero to 12 for boys, and zero to 18 for girls. I could feel my heart break as we passed out crayons and toys and handed out fruit, each of us taking turns carrying babies and playing hide and go seek as we milled around the compound and just absorbed what we were seeing. We didn´t stay for very long, but the little faces were permanently imprinted in my memory, especially the face of one particular little girl, who was no bigger than a four year old, and was seven in reality. She didn´t know how to talk, but she was a commanding little presence, dragging us around and smiling and insisting to be held.
Making them smile was probably the best thing I could have done for them, and it warmed my heart. I was sad to leave those children who needed nothing more than someone to love on them. It was an amazing experience.
First Day at the Clinic
Bienvenidos a Panama
We finally arrived in Panama after a four hour flight. The weather was humid and a lot hotter compared to Florida. After going through customs and getting our bags, we were all welcomed by a few Panamanians holding a “USF HEALTH” sign. Then we all got on a bus. Most of us thought we weren’t going to be able to fit all twenty-five of us in this bus because it was compact. Not to mention, our bags used the last two back rows of seats. But we managed to fit all of us in. As we headed to the city towards where we were going to stay for the next couple of days, the “City of Knowledge”, we got the chance to enjoy the scenery. There were so many buildings compared to what I was used to. I was also surprised by the amount of people that drove. I was expecting everyone to be on foot walking to their destination. Additionally, gas prices were relatively the same as well compared to Florida, which was at $3.83 for regular. Moreover, we got to see the Panamanian flag at its highest point. When we arrived at the City of Knowledge, the area was huge. My instructor told me that it used to be a military base. The place where we were living was spacious as well. There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Each bedroom had two beds. Furthermore, it had a full sized kitchen along with a dining and living room area. After we all got settled in, we had some leisure time to do whatever. A group of us went out to one of the two soccer fields that they had and played ultimate frisbee. After we got all sweaty from the game, we headed to the Olympic-sized pool. All the girls had to wear a cap. The guys, including myself, were chuckling and making jokes saying that they need to do some synchronized swimming. Furthermore, they had this diving board that was about 30 feet high, where some of us jumped off of. One girl unfortunately lost part of her toenail from the dive. Luckily, she was okay. After cooling off at the pool, we had dinner at our instructor’s place. She along with another instructor cooked us spaghetti, bread, and salad, which was phenomenal. Overall, my first day in Panama was amazing!
The following day, we all went on a city tour. Describing what we saw does not do it justice, so here are a few pictures that I took:
The beautiful city in the background
Panama Canal
A group of us went to go check out a waterfall. The man who took the picture apparently missed the memo when I said to get the waterfall in the background. Oh well, still a great picture.
Cuidad del Saber in English means City of Knowledge
Trying to maintain their balance on the railroad track
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Una Nina!
Today was definitely my favorite day so far! The one thing I wanted to do while in Panama was help deliver a baby and I got to do just that today. When we arrived at Alto Caballero this morning we were told that two separate women were in labor. One was a 16 year old who the doctor suspected was having twins because she was huge and he had detected two separate heart beats with the Doppler. The other one was a 20 year old pregnant for the first time who was already 5 cm dilated and wasn't due for another month. We were told that they would both be going to the hospital by an ambulance that was on the way but we all secretly wanted to see a birth at the clinic. Cristina, Tina, and I stayed with the 20 year old and we started noticing that her contractions were getting closer and more intense pretty rapidly. Then we noticed that her nagua was wet and we assumed that her water had broken. No one who worked at the clinic seemed to notice the changes that were occurring so we decided to take it upon ourselves and tell the doctor what was happening. Once he came in and examined her we realized that with no ambulance in site and the closest hospital about 45 minutes away, this baby was going to be born at the clinic and we all would get to witness it! We then moved the women into the room that was prepared for delivery just in case it were to take place at the clinic and we all piled in too. All nine of us, the doctor, Melvin (the nurse), and the girl's mother were crammed in this tiny room to see this new life be born. I got to stand right by her side and help her push with every contraction and after about 5 or so pushes the head was out. This is when it got a little scary. The doctor was worried that the cord had been wrapped around the baby's neck because the baby was blue. He suctioned the baby's nose and with the next push the baby was out. It's was a little girl! :) The cord was not wrapped around her neck but she did not start crying right away so we all started to worry but after about a minute she let out her first little cry. Thank goodness for a healthy baby and a healthy mom! Today was truly incredible and is definitely a memory I will cherish forever. I can't wait to see what is still to come here in Panama!
Me llamo Suzi y esoty sucia.
I was able to see a birth at the clinic in Alto Caballero, which was such an amaaaaazing experience to see, especially in the clinic setting where things aren't as official as a hospital. I was literally right behind the doctor watching the baby come out. Then I was able to help clean the minutes-old nina.
In Boquete, we climbed to the top of the Volcano Baru for 12 hours. Those 12 hours I hope to delete from my memory because I didn't like it!! I'm glad to say I completed it, but I would not climb that much unless I had been training for it. We also went zip lining through the mountains which was breathtaking.
Before coming on this trip, I had misjudged some people. But through my time here, I have been able to truly get to know people and realize my mistakes. Just because a girl talks about lettuce wraps for 20 minutes doesn't mean that she's as weird and stuck up as I thought. There is actually a song about how driving a tractor will cut the grass faster..and I know alot of the lyrics. You can get your doctorate in friendology and metrology, in just a matter of one short week. Little friends named Deebra should be kept in your backpack for safe keeping. And apparently Panamanians like blondes and booties. So many inside jokes, created in only two weeks in a foreign country. The three best friends that anyone-could-ever-haveeee!
Thanks everyone on the trip, Dr. Cadeeeens, Eloisa, and Daaarrriioo!
CRISTINA RONDOLINO- The beauty of birth
Wow, today was an amazing day. When we arrived at the clinic, Alto Caballero, we were told that there were two women in labor. One was a sixteen year old who was possibly pregnant with twins because her belly was huge and they detected two heart beats! Our clinic does not have fancy high tech ultra sounds only a Doppler to detect fetal heart rate. The other woman was a twenty year old who was pregnant with her first child and was not due for another month but was already 5 cm dialated. The staff called for the ambulance. I wanted to see a birth so badly, but the clinic usually calls the ambulance to take them to another clinic because they are more well equipt to handle complications. They said they rarely have births at the clinic, maybe about one every two months. Liz, Tina and I stayed with the twenty year old while she had contractions. We noticed that there was some liquid on her nagua (native dress) and we believed her water had broken. Shortly after we agreed that her contractions seemed quite frequent, so we began to time them. At first it was about two minutes and then it progressed to a minute and a half. We decided that we should tell the doctor because no one had been there to check on her in a while. When I told him, he seemed calm and just said "Okay." Were we making a big deal out of this because we had never experienced the birthing process before, or are we just anxious Americans?
The doctor came into the room about 5 minute later and examened her. Then he let me exam her too and I was able to feel the head of the baby! With the ambulance still no where to be found and the San Felix clinic still 50 minutes away, I knew then that this birth was going to happen at our clinic, and soon!
We helped her up off the exam table and more amniotic fluid came out. We brought her into the room that had already been prepared, just in case. We all piled in to the small room, and tried to make ourselfs useful. Liz, Suzi and I were holding her hands, wiping off her face and fanning her. J.J. (Hota-hota) and Matt were taking bets on if it was going to be a nina or a nino (and hoping not pass out). Victoria was getting her portable fan, Brooke was passing out gloves, and Tina was being our good luck charm!
The doctor came in and told us to help move her down on the table and put her legs in the stirrups. He had her push with every contraction. After about five contractions with little progress he asked for lidocane and numbed her before he cut her. I think all of our hearts went out to the mother at that point just imagining the pain. Then we started to see the head with the next few pushes. It seemed to be progressing slowly and the nurse said that she was concerned the cord was wrapped around the child's neck. After that was said we were all scared for the health and well-being of the baby, as well as the mother.
With a few more pushes the head came out. I stared to cry because there REALLY WAS a little person in there! He suctioned the nasal passages and with the next push they pulled the whole child out. The mother screamed louder than ever at that point. Una Nina! The cord was not wrapped around the neck, but she came out blue. She did not cry right away, at first maybe I was in blissful ignorance that, maybe, this was normal. But, when I saw Eloisa praying, I grew more fearful. It was probably about two minutes before she cried. And when she did, so did I.
She slowly began to get more color and Suzi helped with the umbilical cord and swaddling her. Meanwhile, I was still in the room with the mom. The umbilical cord was still hanging out of her and it just looks so foreign it is almost creepy. The doctor.clamped it and began to twist it around the forceps and slowly pull out. Eventually he pulled out the placenta. It was interesting to see this side of child birth because I feel like it is rarely spoken about or included in movies.
Being that we are in a tribal culture I think we were all a bit curious as to what the practice is regaurding what is done with the placenta after the birth. I know that some tribal communities will cook it and eat it because of how high in nutrients it is. Thankfully, the doctor put it in the trash, but I was also a bit disturbed when I let my mind wander thinking about where that bag was going to end up.
Matt was able to help the doctor stitch her up afterwards. He was thrilled and he said he could do that all day, although he may have preffered a different location. As they were stitching her up, the girls came in and presented the baby to the mom for the first time and the mom said she named her Diyana. She weighed 2.8kg and is a beautiful babygirl.
Needless to see we had an incredible day at the clinic today and the doctor told us that we were all really helpful and that we worked well as a team. Panama sure has been an adventure so far, I can't wait to see what more is to come.
Blog #3
Sunday, May 29th a few of us got to experience a church mass in San Felix. It was interesting to see a mass in another country, especially with my limited church experience. The church was beautifully painted. We went to La Barquete and Las Lajas beach that weekend too-- it was very fun.
More has happened in the clinics as well (aside from vaccinations!). All of us at Hato Juli got to perform STD checks on a patient. It was a great experience as we probably won't get the chance as RNs to insert a speculum and swab a cervix. I am fairly confident now that I am not interested in women's health nursing, however!
We also got to go across the street to the school, play with the children, and teach them about handwashing, vitamins in fruit, and dental hygiene. We also walked around the community with the students and pick up trash/recycle paper, plastic, and glass with them. Although, with all of our effort, once we were done picking up trash in the community we handed out candy to the students, and all of them threw the wrappers on the ground! It seemed our teachings did not completely register, or the language barrier was too severe.
After our clinic days, we went to the women and children hospital for a day in David. At first the day started slowly, but after lunch myself and a few other students got to witness a live birth! It was the first birth I had ever seen in person. It was truly amazing to witness the beginning of life! The mother was a Ngabe Bugle indian, so her lack of emotion after seeing her new baby for the first time took us by surprise, but it is a part of their culture to not display their feelings.
This past weekend we all drove to Boquete, Panama. On the way we stopped at a boys home for abused/neglected/court ordered boys aged 12-18. We also stopped at a children's home/orphanage and handed out fruit and school supplies. Playing with the children was so much fun, and it was heartbreaking to leave. I wish we could have had more time at the orphanage and hope future groups get to have the same incredible experience we had there.
Boquete is a completely different city than San Felix. It's more elevated, so cooler, and is renowned for its coffee. We got the chance to tour a coffee plantation and learn about that aspect of Panama's culture, not to mention try the delicious coffee! Boquete is more urbanized, and has a downtown area with shops and bars. It's been a fun stay, but back to San Felix we go in a couple of hours!
Panama has been an incredible experience and I can't believe we've been here for 17 days! The time is flying and I can't wait to experience all we have left before we leave on Friday. We only have one more clinical day, one more day in the hospital/presentations, a day to bus ride back to Panama City, one more day to shop in Panama City, and then we're home!
Thanks to everyone who has made this trip such a success and so much fun!
After the healthy baby boy was delivered the doctor tied and cut off the umbilical cord did a quick exam to evaluate for any abnormalities. The mother was happy but in a lot of pain. Once the doctor carefully pulled out the placenta she felt more relieved. It's amazing how much can fit in a woman in addition to all her internal organs. Afterwards I got to witness another birth and this time it was a baby girl. I was thankful again that the staff and mothers let us watch because the hospital does not even allow the fathers to watch. I will never forget this day! Every day is a new adventure and the entire trip has felt like a vacation with new experiences and education.
First IM Injection 05-27-11
Saturday, June 4, 2011
End of a journey
Another thing that has surprised me is the stigma that is place on mental health here. Even though in the US many are unwilling to discuss psychiatric illness and are uncomfortable when it's talked about, in Panama it is almost unmentionable. When I asked one nurse what psychiatric nurses do she told me that they give meds and lead support groups. Then she said that if you stay in the field for more than ten years you'll go crazy yourself. Not very encouraging to potential psychiatric nurses.
One of the experiences that affected me the most was when we went to the orphanage. The kids there for the most part aren't adoptable. It's so sad that these kids have had such a rough start in life and all I can do is hope for the best.
Panama has taught me so much from the culture to its native Ngobe Bugle population. I know that we have done so much but when I go home in less than a week I'll be able to take a warm shower and eat out. Meanwhile many in the Comarca and other areas still don't have clean water to drink and the children run around with skin infections, lice, and sometimes HIV. I wish that I could fix all of their problems but that's not realistic. All I know is that I was able to help many of these people in small ways, assisted with the birth of a new life, and put a smile on a few faces.